
Showing posts from November, 2022

Magic Mushrooms For The Treatment of Depression

Depression and suicide are significant public health concerns. Our current therapies are not as effective as we would want. Incidences of suicide are rising. There is an urgent need for effective and innovative treatments for depression. Suicidality may be prevented by some psychedelics . Both patients and doctors will struggle to get past the stigma attached to their use. A similar issue continues to prevent medical marijuana from becoming widely accepted. More than 75 different species of mushrooms contain psilocybin, a promising psychedelic ; the most well-known of these is Psilocybe Mexicana, often known as the " Magic Mushroom. " Following ingestion, psilocybin spontaneously converts into psilocin, a more lipid-soluble psychedelic. Recent PET studies suggest that the psychedelic effects of psilocin are due to its ability to activate the 5HT2A serotonin receptor. Psilocybin has so far only demonstrated limited efficacy, despite some authors' claims of positive results...